How to install Netflix on Android devices with root
For some time, more experienced and enthusiastic users decide to root their Android devices, thus gaining superuser privileges to get the most out of their smartphones or tablets. Obviously, there are pros and cons when...
Which apps are blocked in the Play Store for rooted devices
In recent times, especially after Niantic blocked Pokémon GO for unlocked and rooted devices. Since then, some apps became popular to make it invisible to individual app solutions such as systemless root. In this way,...
Google Play Store blocks access to rooted devices
A few days ago we talk about the impossibility of installing the Netflix application on the smartphone with unlocked root permissions from the Google Play Store. This is not a check on SafetyNet APIs as...
Netflix will no longer be downloadable on Android devices with root
Netflix has just released the major update 5.0 for its mobile app. In addition to adding the already-anticipated HDR-Dolby Vision standard to the LG G6 only, the update makes software non-compatible with all Android devices...
How to modify the Nav Bar in Android Nougat (no root)
Among the many interesting new features that appeared in the first Android O Developer Preview, which has been in circulation for more than a month now, there is the ability to customize the virtual Nav...
Pixel and Pixel XL rooted with Android O Developer Preview
Just a few hours after the release of the first Android O Developer Preview, Chainfire told us that he was working on a system to get root permissions even on the latest version of Android,...
Quadrooter, new vulnerability threatens 900 million Android smartphones
On Android devices with Qualcomm chips, Google discovered vulnerabilities that can perform any type of remote code, with the possibility of jeopardizing security and user data. Realize the benefits conferred by root permissions, making it...
عمل root ل أندرويد 6.0 Marshmallow باستخدام SuperSU
احصل على صلاحيات الربط الآن على أسس سليمة على جهاز الأندرويد، ولفعل ذلك بطريقة “شفافة” فهو أمرٌ آخر، وخاصة منذ أن بدأ نظام أندرويد 6.0 Marshmallow أن يصبح “حساساً” بعض الشيء للتغيرات. ولكن يبدو أنه...
Root Android 6.0 Marshmallow con SuperSU italian
Ottenere permessi di rooting è ora attendibile su Android; farlo in maniera “trasparente” è un’altra cosa, soprattutto da quando Android 6.0 Marshmallow ha iniziato ad essere un po’ ‘allergico’ ai cambiamenti. Ma sembra sia possible...
Root Android 6.0 Marshmallow avec SuperSu
L’obtention de permissions root sur Android est maintenant bien établie ; le faire d’une manière « transparente » est une autre chose, d’autant plus que Android 6.0 Marshmallow a commencé à devenir un peu «...